New World of Work
Fraunhofer IAO-Blog
Der Wissensarbeiter
Generation Why
Systematisch Kaffeetrinken
Henrik Zaborowski
The New Worker
Talent Culture
The Future of Work Blog
The Future Organization
A lot is being published on the future of work; and the underlying interests differ. Research institutes, consultants, IT companies, and service providers have explored the trends for the future of work in various studies. In our blog, you will find a quick overview on 12 publicly accessible studies or discussion papers worth reading.
There is a lot going on regarding the future of work! The increased need for discussion is especially visible during conventions. Some of these events are already well-established; and follow-up events have taken place. But some previously established conventions have also outlined"the future of work" the leading theme. The same holds for employment fairs or conventions on HR Management. Please click here to access the chronological overview of past and future events.
Connecting to the future of work, some initiatives have been formed in the past years. Each of them has launched several notable activities in its respective area of work and interest. This is a small overview of 7 initiatives everyone working in this area should be interested in. You can find further details on them in our blog.